Make Model: Hyundai Loaders Hl740 7
Part Number: 61LF-00330
Serial Number: 100.5" BUCKET
Description: Blade Position: Center | Blade Type: DB|| | Dimensions: 1.000 x 11.417 x 44.843 | Total Holes: 4 | Bolts Qty: null | Bolts Dia x Len: 0.75 | Hole Spacing (End to 1st): 1.22 | Hole Spacing (1st to 2): 11.42 | Hole Spacing (2nd to 3): 16.14 | Bolts Qty (row 2): null | Bolts Dia x Len (Row 2): | Hole spacing (End to 1st Row 2): null | Hole Spacing (1st to 2 Row 2): null | Hole Spacing (2nd to 3 Row 2): null
Quantity: 2
Weight: 137.10
Blade Position:Center
Blade Type:DB||
Dimensions:1.000 x 11.417 x 44.843
Total Holes:4
Bolts Dia x Len:0.75
Hole spacing (End to 1):1.22
Hole spacing (1st to 2nd):11.42
Hole spacing (2nd to 3):16.14
- Product Category:
- Other